April 4 is World Rat Day

Today is World Rat Day. Back in 2002, members of the ratlist—the longest-standing mailing list about rats on the Internet—proposed the creation of a holiday to raise awareness of rats’ intelligence, affectionate natures and other qualities that make them excellent pets.world rat dayThe ratlist, which boasts over 2,300 members, has served as a meeting place and clearinghouse for pet care information since 1995. Current custodians James Kittock and Robyn Arthur took over the group on April 4th, making it the perfect choice for World Rat Day.

How should you celebrate? The World Rat Day site has a few suggestions: send greeting cards to fellow rat lovers around the globe. Hold get-togethers called Ratfests, as private parties or public events. Invite the media to attend, address the prejudice against these animals and encourage positive coverage in print and on television.

Or you could just make this a special day for you and your pets by giving them fun gifts and tasty treats. Take photos and videos. Post your favorites here or links to YouTube. Have a happy World Rat Day!

More rat-related celebrations:
January 30 is American Fancy Rat and Mouse Show

Copyright © 2017 Worldwide Weird Holidays

4 replies
  1. mary white
    mary white says:

    I am not sure how to feel about this……I hate rats……but April 4th is our wedding anniversary. Hmmmmm……

  2. Lesley
    Lesley says:

    This isn’t a ‘weird’ holiday – it’s an opportunity to bring fancy rats to everyone’s attention!
    Fancy rats make amazing pets for all ages: they are intelligent, clean and great fun.
    They make wonderfully loyal pets, with the intelligence of , a small dog, and whom you can train to do tricks
    They also make fantastic show/exhibition animals, and the Midlands Rat Club (MRC) UK celebrates World Rat Day every year.
    The MRC always have a fancy rat show on the 1st Saturday of April, where interested people can come and see some fancy rats for themselves, as they are judged to national criteria.
    Why not come along and meet some rats for yourself!
    More information here: http://www.midlandsratclub.org

    • Kathleen Zea
      Kathleen Zea says:

      I agree! I loved my rat Sid. I list it as “weird” because it isn’t a mainstream holiday and, honestly, “weird” is right there in the name of this site. Rats and mice are incredibly affectionate and intelligent animals. Thanks for all you do to inform the public.


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