June 3 is Repeat Day
Today is Repeat Day, an unofficial holiday of unknown provenance that celebrates the do-over. But does it imply that we must reenact this moment exactly as it is, in excruciating detail? Can we achieve that level of granularity or even comprehend it?
If we are able and willing to participate in this endeavor, must we start right now? (If so, must we keep reading the foregoing sentence over and over?) When is it acceptable to stop: at 11:59:59? How will we know if we can’t get past the preceding questions?
We feel the creator of Repeat Day didn’t fully consider the possible ramifications of this lighthearted holiday unless he or she is a disgruntled philosopher bent on destroying the world. We have attempted to avert an endless time-loop of navel-gazing existential paralysis by making this post so annoying that we would never be tempted to subject ourselves to a repeat reading.
Mission accomplished.